Utilise ink’s versatility on paper to mix new colours, lay out washes and add detail in the style of Ithell Colquhoun.

Step 1
Look at the different lines and marks you can create with inks. Observe how the secondary colours green, orange and violet appear when you lay primary colours Scarlet, Canary Yellow and Blue over one another.

Step 2
Create tones by mixing complementary colours together: violet-yellow, green-red and orange-blue.

Step 3
Experiment on wet surfaces as well as dry. Observe how the colours can move around and create texture.

Step 4
Experiment with creating texture using different nibs and try using a brush to make marks. Blend colours together to create a range of tints and tones.

Step 5
Create your own response to Colquhoun's work by creating simple shapes and forms with areas of colour.

Step 6
Add some definition with other colours.

Step 7
Layer colour to create more tones and secondary colours. Build the shapes and create other secondary colours.

Step 8
Paint washes into the surrounding space, the negative space. Build up the shape with finer lines and marks.