The artist
Snooze One
I’m a lettering artist from Berlin with a passion for experimenting with letters. My interest in letterforms started with discovering graffiti at an early age. Shortly after that I got into calligraphy and continued to further explore the world of letters. My style is versatile and features several different tools, materials, and techniques. I’m always looking for a new perspective and new ways to write and build letters.

Step 1
Create a grid: Divide your phrase into four rows. Give important words more space, and use less space for filler words like "at" and "a."

Step 2
Center your lettering: Roughly sketch your phrase in the center of each row. To find the center, draw a box around each row. This gives you a rough idea of where the letters should go before refining them.

Step 3
Review the overall shape: Once sketched, step back and look at the overall shape of your lettering. Aim for an oval shape or whatever shape best suits your design.

Step 4
Adjust for balance: Fill in or balance the composition by adjusting letter spacing or adding extra elements as needed.

Step 5
Refine the details: Go back over your letters, refining their shapes and sizes to ensure everything looks cohesive.

Step 6
Consider advanced design elements: To enhance your composition further, think about adding colours, symmetry, or experimenting with a more dynamic layout rather than a centered one.